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FALL/WINTER 2020, Q for Quintessence

Q for Quintessence explores the essence of EENK, which started as a cultural experiment called ‘The Letter Project’. The brand has launched concepts and collections named after letters of the alphabet with the ambition of creating projects for every letter from A to Z. Classic and vintage sensibility paired with the modernity of the city of Seoul defines the language of EENK. Fun and formality, femininity and masculinity, technical transformative pieces and silhouettes from other centuries co-exist in this world. Meet the quintessence of EENK.

2020FW 시즌 Q for Quintessence는 Letter Project로 고유한 세계를 구축해온 EENK가 추구하는 가치들을 탐구하는 컬렉션이다. 시대를 초월하는 빈티지, 중성적이며 구조에 충실한 테일러링, 단일 아이템 안에 설계된 변화무쌍한 변형성, 알파벳이라는 문자를 매개로 하는 여러 문화 영역으로부터 오는 영감으로 대표되는 EENK만의 스타일 언어는 두 개의 E를 모티프로 한 새로운 패턴 로고의 등장과 함께 브랜드를 정의하는 시그니처 디자인 원형에 다가선다. 커스텀 디자인의 골드웨어와 진주 디테일, 빈티지 헤리티지가 느껴지는 니트웨어, 구조 안에서 분리되고 합쳐지는 전략적 테일러링, 클래식 실루엣과 테크니컬한 소재의 조화는 새로운 플로럴 패턴 프린트와 함께  EENK의 정수를 담은 컬렉션 Q for Quintessence를 완성한다.


Designer  LEE HYE MEE

Photographer  SHIN SUN HYE

Stylist  LEE JI MIN


Make-up  WON JO YEON


Casting Director  ESTHER KIM

Lookbook Design  LEE SUN YOUNG